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One doesn’t simply lose fat overnight like it’s some kind of miracle. It doesn’t work that way. The effort you put into turning your life around, you will get in return. With minimal effort, you get minimal results. With substantial input however, you will get substantial results. It’s simple as that. The worst thing one can do is get discouraged and give up because he isn’t losing fat rapidly. Patience is key to a healthy weight loss because it’s not just a diet, it’s a long-term plan to a lifestyle change.

What defines a healthy weight loss? Let’s say you just lost 20kgs. That’s fantastic, isn’t it? Well, what if 12 of those kilos were muscle? Not only would you now look “skinny fat,” your metabolism would actually be slower now than it was when you were heavier. Your goal shouldn’t be to lose weight, but to lose fat. Losing muscle will do way more harm than good, so you should focus on losing fat instead of overall weight. By eating the appropriate amount of calories and staying on an effective exercise program that records your body composition (Body Fat %, Body Water %, Muscle %), you can ensure you’re losing the right kind of weight.

It doesn’t mean you’ll starve your way to a slimmer physique. A healthy diet is a balanced diet. There is no magic food that makes you fat, and you can't lose weight simply by avoiding some particular food or type of food. The human body needs a variety of nutrients in order to function properly, and the only way to get the nutrients that you need is to have a proper nutrition plan to consume food from all of the major food groups on a regular basis. Moderation and variety are the keys to a healthy diet. We've been conditioned to believe that if one thing is good for us, then more of it must be better. If you eliminate 100 calories from your daily diet, then eliminating 400 must be better. If you walk to lose weight, then running a marathon must be more fruitful. Well, neither is true. Worse, not only aren't they true, but many of the diet myths perpetuated today actually hurt our bodies. Food deprivation, for example, drops your metabolism and makes your body want to store fat.

One of the biggest fears that creep into someone’s mind when thinking about embarking on a fitness journey, is the fear of failure. This could be because of the premature and unrealistic expectations one expects to live up to. Don’t just tell yourself you are going to lose weight and get fit. What specifically are you going to do about it? You must be considerate when outlining targets, create smart goals. You must be specific in stating why you want it. Is it to be healthier in order to spend more quality time with your family? To improve athletically and compete in sports? Don’t think of losing weight as a contest to win, because that means you are sure to lose. Think of it as a decision to be healthy. Don’t set an artificial weight goal to meet some event deadline. Remember you are losing weight for you because that is the healthy thing to do, not to please or impress others. If you keep all that in mind, you’ll be happy with a modest weight loss in the beginning that is tied directly to conscious healthy decision-making. Once that is established, the weight will come off much faster than you imagine. When you’re consciously being conscious about your decision making, it means you’re on the right path. When you’re unconsciously conscious about your lifestyle, and being healthy requires no extra effort, it means that making the correct choices is now part of your routine.

Creating smart goals is all about setting targets which are measurable. It’s important for you to know what situation you are in. Did you experience a set back last week? Or did you improve? And what really defines improvement? It’s not just weight. As already stated above, it’s important to track your body recomposition progress by knowing your fat, muscle and water values too. Seek professional help to evaluate those results and plan a way to move forward accordingly by defining new realistic and achievable.

Nowadays, we are ending up spending a big part of our day working long hours for others. Then, spending the rest of the day doing chores and getting ready to go to bed. As if chasing money and success are the top priorities. However what many fail to remember is to dedicate time for ourselves. It is commonly known that three of the most important things in one’s life are health, family and career. Things you plan, are things you get done. Don’t try to find time to exercise and improve your stamina and health, MAKE time for it. Don’t see it as a distraction from family time or work. It’s the exact opposite. It’s a lifestyle that can help you; spend better time with your family, perform better at work, both physically and mentally, improve self esteem and confidence… the list is endless. Empower yourself to be the best version of yourself. Know that you’re never alone in this journey, and it’s important not to be. Surround yourself with people who share the same goals and who believe that you can achieve yours too.

Never stop working on improving your life!



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